From Plato’s Dream to Marx’s Manifesto: A Spark Notes Version of Communism’s Origins

From Plato’s Dream to Marx’s Manifesto: A Spark Notes Version of Communism’s Origins
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Communism’s roots stretch back further than you might think. While Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are its rockstars, glimpses of a shared-property utopia existed as early as ancient Greece!

Imagine Plato’s Republic, where rulers selflessly managed everything for the common good. Fast forward to early Christian communities sharing meals and possessions. Even Thomas More’s fictional land of “Utopia” in 1516 played with the idea.

But the real fireworks started during the chaotic French Revolution. Here, thinkers like Babeuf envisioned a society where wealth wasn’t concentrated in a few hands.

Enter Marx and Engels in the 1800s. Witnessing the harsh realities of the Industrial Revolution, they argued for a radical overhaul. Their “Communist Manifesto” became the anthem for a classless society where workers wouldn’t be exploited.

So, communism’s story is one of evolving ideas – a mix of philosophical musings and reactions to social upheaval. It’s a complex ideology that continues to spark debate even today.

p.s – I love communism ❤️🔨☭

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