What is new in CES 2024 (Consumer Electronics Show)?

What is new in CES 2024 (Consumer Electronics Show)?
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The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is a massive annual event where some of the most transformative technology makers and innovator showcase their latest and greatest releases. CES was first launched in 1967 and has been held annually since then. This year, CES 2024 spanned a 4-day period, from January the 9th (Tuesday) to January the 12th (Friday).

Walking-assist robot

The walking-assist robot (dubbed the WIM), created by South Korean robotics company WIRobotics, aims to help people walk. This device, developed for general public use, weighs about 1.4 kilograms (3 pounds). It makes walking ‘smarter’, thereby reducing up to 20% of energy used. This device will hit the market sometime this month.

Solar-powered E.V.

This Solar-powered tiny E.V. (Dubbed the Solar City car) is a 6.6-foot-long car with a top speed of 25 miles (40 kilometers) an hour. The Solar City car has a 250-watts-peak rooftop panel, and could travel distances up to 13 miles (21 kilometers) in a sunny environment. The company hopes to begin production next year and plans to market the car at $6,250. 

Targeted hearing device

The targeted hearing device (A.I. Application) created by OrCam attempts to help our case against hearing loss. This application samples voices and creates speaker profiles, then allowing the user to select which voices to isolate. Other voices and noise will be muted, allowing the user to better hear the speaker. The company expects to begin production of the device later this year.

Need-to-pee predictor

Spinal cord injuries or neurological conditions lead to people having an inability to know when they need to go; and this may cause infections, incontinence and other unpleasant symptoms. The South Korean company MEDiThings develops a wearable device that utilizes near-infrared technologies to “see” into the bladder and tell the user it’s time to go via phone alerts. MEDiThings hopes to work with U.S. universities on clinical testing in the coming year to perfect this technology.

Solar generator

The Delta Pro Ultra from EcoFlow is a backup battery generator that runs on solar power. This device weighs 186 pounds (84 kilometers), it is portable enough to hit the road. The generator can also take over during peak energy times, saving money on the electric bill. The device went on sale earlier this month for $5,799.


The ‘multiscope’ is a 4-in-1 including a thermometer, electrocardiogram, digital stethoscope and a blood oxygen monitor. This remote control-sized gadget has potential as telehealth visits become more frequent. This would allow doctors to accurately measure a patient’s statistics, without seeing them in person. This device is pending an FDA review, and is projected to come out this summer at a cost of $249.95.

Ampera Bike

One real downside of working in an office is the lack of physical activity, but LifeSpan has found a productive solution to counteract this. The Ampera Bike looks like a barstool with pedals, and is small and unobtrusive enough for offices. While sitting still, professionals can pedal and charge their devices, as well as getting the much-needed exercise. The Ampera is available now for $799.

Mental health mirror

By utilizing A.I. and natural language processing; this Mental health mirror (Dubbed the BMind mirror), created by French company Baracoda, can identify how you’re feeling and offer “personalized mental health coaching” such as guided meditations, light therapy and affirmations. This innovation has potential to “improving the quality of millions of lives,” says CEO Thomas Serval on the company’s website. The mirror will be available by the end of the year for between $500 and $1,000.

Daniel C
Author: Daniel C

I am a dedicated student pursuing K–12 education who has developed an insatiable thirst for knowledge, with particular interest in subjects such as psychology and economics. Throughout my academic journey, I consistently sought out opportunities to expand my knowledge and engage in intellectual discussions. I eagerly anticipate future opportunities to delve deeper into the realms of economics and psychology, with the goal of making a positive impact on both my own life and the lives of others.

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